Our digital offering

Discover our online training courses

Digital training has many advantages: it saves time, follows the learner’s pace and level, removes distance constraints, limits or even removes time
constraints, enabling finely-tuned optimal learning for teams using fun and innovative modules.

Blended Learning

Formation en Blended Learning pour les Sciences de la Vie CVO-EUROPE


Blended learning combines face-to-face training (or virtual classrooms) and e-learning modules. The latter are proposed before or after the face-to-face training to boost its effectiveness. With our comprehensive training offering, we can design several formats that reflect your limitations and specific requirements


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Our e-learning modules meet your company’s specific training needs (procedures, standards, regulations) while avoiding incurring logistics and travel costs and optimising learning time. Team members can progress at their own pace, to suit their availability, using our digitised training modules.

Our tailor-made e-learning modules

Our off-the-shelf e-learning modules

Virtual classes

With remote working, business trips and employees spread over several sites, setting up face-to-face training can be complex and time-consuming for both organiser and participants. If you want your employees to benefit from face-to-face training, whilst freeing them from the constraints of being on-site, our virtual classes are the perfect solution.

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